e-Commerce Solutions
We build & host
e-commerce websites
for small EU businesses.
Almost a full quarter into the 21st century, small businesses in the EU still struggle to establish or maintain presence on the Internet. We are here to change this.
Not being on the internet is terrible for any company. It means missing vital opportunities for communicating with existing customers and acquiring new ones; it means artificially limiting their reach to a single city… in a union of 450 million people!

Customers have become accustomed to research companies they plan to buy from or do business with. Having a competent website that clearly shows what your company does and makes it easy to buy or order your product is no longer optional. Word of mouth can get you only so far.
Some entrepreneurs have the necessary skills to build their online presence by themselves. Others are lucky to have a smart nephew or niece who studied web design in college. But if you aren’t neither of these kinds of people… you can hire us.

We work with small businesses that cannot afford to employ the staff required to launch and properly operate a regular corporate website or an e-commerce store. We help them establish their online presence and stay with them until they become profitable and capable of paying the salary of their own IT staff.
Things we can do for you
Here is a very short list of stuff we can help you with. But if you require help with something similar to, but not listed here, just send us a message and ask. We’ll be happy to discuss whatever you have in mind.
Every beginning is difficult but once you’ve acknowledged you need an online presence for your business and that you can’t do it alone, you’ve already made the hardest step.
After that, it is our job to talk to you until we understand in detail the things that make your business unique, so that we can design the solution that will help your business best. Unlike other ‘web studios’ we also operate webstores of our own, and so it will be much easier for any business owner to find common language with us than with somebody who hasn’t sold a single pen in their lifetime. Give us a call and you’ll see.
We know this one. Somebody built a site for the company five or ten years ago, but they have moved on, and now you don’t know how to use it, or need to urgently make some changes to it because otherwise it will not make you any money.
Studying older websites and bringing them up to speed with updates, fixes and changes to the functionality is our specialty. And unlike other developers that are no longer interested in supporting their old work, we’re here to stay for every customer who will have us stick around for the long run.
Having ‘great’ numbers in Google Page Speed Insights and GTmetrix is all the rage these days. We can help your good old webstore load faster and get some special Google love.
These days, making your website operate comfortably on a mobile phone screen is the single best thing you can do to improve your sales online. More than 60% of all e-commerce traffic comes from phones now, and nobody will pinch-zoom to read your old, non-responsive webpage.
One of the most horrible things we commonly see is an otherwise well-made webstore that runs on a poor, cheap hosting plan. If having more than 10 visitors at the same time makes your website start returning HTTP 500 server errors, it is time we take some proper care of it and move it to the kind of hosting service it deserves.
We can host your website along ours, or have you running from a quality VPS server at whatever location you like, and manage the server on your behalf.
For those business owners who are serious on performance and reliability, we can develop HA (High Availability) solutions that can operate reliably under multiple times the normal load, in order to keep the website from crashing during rush season where everybody is in a hurry to shop and the shop must run 100% reliably.
There are many inexpensive or even free platforms that automate different aspects of everyday business and help the staff coordinate on different tasks. We can help you find the best solutions for whatever tools you need to automate your business, and will help you set up said solutions.
What Makes Us a Good Choice
We are what is called a ‘Systems Integrator’ — we build the solutions our customers require using chiefly ready-made, low-priced or often free, open-source software components. Our unique know-how is how to make these systems work together efficiently and reliably.
This makes us different (‘different’ as in ‘much cheaper’, and ‘much faster’) from programming studios that create bespoke software for every separate customer. Using open source software means we do not have to lock you in with support contracts; because we use standard and very popular software, you are free to let us go and hire somebody else to continue to support you, or just bring support in-house whenever you feel capable enough to do so.
In the context of e-commerce, we base all of our projects on two very popular platforms: WooCommerce and OpenCart, and improve or extend functionality using ready made graphics and software components created by the vast community built around these two platforms.